Incoming Bison!

Do you hear that? The thunderous, still-distant but steadily approaching clamour of hoofed feet barreling toward Edmonton. The roar of creative ungulates storming the Cosmopolitan Music Society not just from our own city's arteries, but from the entire Canadian Prairies. It's the Royal Bison Art and Craft Fair!

We'll be there on the 5th, 6th and 7th, armed to the teeth with not only all the cute, jammy stuff you can find here on our website, but also with new (and improved) holiday gifts!

There's a full list of vendors at, but since we've got your attention, we'd like to make a personal plug for first-timers State Motto Bitters (for tasty, tasty improvements on your home cocktails) and other first-timers Granville Woods Electric Company (super cool light fixtures)!  

See you at the Bison, Prairie People!