Please send all emails, videos, audio and images to

For every rank, you can submit a video instead of a written email, if you prefer, and we may even feature it on the website!

Speaking of which, in all of your emails, please let us know if we can use your video, audio or picture on our website and social media, or if you'd rather keep it private! Thanks!


Sweetness Club Ranks

There are 12 Sweetness Club ranks. Ranks can be earned by active members* in sequence and can be earned as follows:

1. Raspberry Scout

Scout is the joining badge. Scouts must demonstrate a rudimentary knowledge of the Jamciety ideals and practice reciting the Jam Oath.

2. Second Class Peanut

Second Class Peanut is the 2nd rank. It can be earned by demonstrating that you have memorized the Jam Oath, either by submitting a photo of the oath hand-written on a piece of paper, or a video of you reciting it (wearing your scarf and badge).

3. First Class Peanut

First Class Peanut is the 3rd rank. It can be earned after earning Second Class Peanut ranking and a demonstration of SHARING JAM SPIRIT: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing something sweet that you have shared. Examples include sharing some toast with a friend, a toy with a sibling or a kiss on your mom's cheek.

4. Star Butter

Star Butter is the 4th rank. It can be earned after earning your First Class Peanut. For this badge you need to demonstrate a HELPING JAM SPIRIT: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing something sweet that you have done. This could be helping someone with their groceries (jam jars can get heavy!), their homework or a chore.

5. Blue Cheese Cavalier

Blue Cheese Cavalier is the 5th rank. It can be earned after achieving your Star Butter. For this badge you must demonstrate a COMPLIMENTARY JAM SPIRIT: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing something sweet that you have said to someone else. For example, giving a compliment or positive feedback to someone who deserves it. Remember that honest compliments are always the best!

6. Corporal Crunch

Corporal Crunch is the 6th rank. It can be earned after achieving Blue Cheese Cavalier ranking and a demonstration of SECRET JAM SPIRIT: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing something sweetly anonymous that you have done. This could be writing a secret love note, leaving someone an anonymous gift (like jam or flowers), or paying for the stranger in line behind you at the coffee shop.

7. Sergeant Blackberry

Sergeant Blackberry is the 7th rank. It can be earned after achieving your Corporal Crunch badge. For this rank you must demonstrate JAM LEADERSHIP: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing something sweet that you initiated. For example, inviting the new kid in school to hang out with you, starting a sweet project, writing a play about jam.

8. Lunchador Lieutenant

Lunchador Lieutenant is the 8th rank. It can be earned after the Sergeant Blackberry rank and a demonstration of JAM FUN: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing something fun that you did. It can be anything, as long as it was 100% fun!

9. Colonel Toast

Colonel Toast is the 9th rank. It can be earned after achieving Lunchador Lieutenant status. For this rank you must demonstrate JAM KNOWLEDGE: email us 2 to 4 sentences, a photo or video describing an interesting or fun fact about jam, peanut butter, sweetness or condiments in general.

10. PB Brigadier

PB Brigadier is the 10th rank. It can be earned 3 months after earning Colonel Toast ranking and a demonstration of JAM SKILL: email us a video or photo of you demonstrating a sweet skill: like balancing a spoon on your nose, playing a song you wrote about jam or doing a funny jig.

11. Lieutenant-General Jam

Lieutenant-General Jam is the 11th rank. It can be earned after achieving PB Brigadier status. For this rank you must demonstrate JAM FITNESS: email us a video or photo of you doing a fitness activity while wearing your jam badge and scarf. Examples include going for a jog, at a dance competition or canoeing.

12. The Admirable Jam

The Admirable Jam is the 12th and highest rank. The Sweetness Club member must have earned the 11 previous ranks and be an upstanding member of Jamciety. To earn the highest ranking of Admirable Jam, the club member must demonstrate proof of 1 WEEK OF SWEETNESS. Email us a list, photos or video of your 7 sweet acts. Sweet acts can be anything in-line with the Jam Oath and the values of Jamcraft.

* An active member is a Sweetness Club member who has a current membership that is not expired.